Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Back on the Mainland


After sailing all night, sleeping quite well in our little beds, we made it to Cape Breton, waking up to beautiful sunshine.

Amazingly, we were able to drive straight through to Hampton, NB with a nice long lunch stop in Tatamagouche, NS.  We’d had thoughts of going through PEI as well, but plans change.

It was good to be home in our own bed in our trailer.  We had a day to regroup before beginning the next phase of our adventure. 

But first, a trip to the Kingston Market which is a very popular market out in the countryside near Saint John. They have lots of food and craft vendors from the local region.  Because we were heading into the USA the next day we had to resist stalking up on fresh foods.  Instead, Dave bought a new fishing lure that he and Steve went to try out on the Kennebecasis River.  

Of course we had to try some of the corn!  

After relaxing and fishing, we went into Saint John to play with Steve and Kelly's dogs and wander around Uptown as the Moonlight Bazaar was just getting started.  This city knows how to party.  you Later, as we drove across the bridge after dark we could clearly see the Moon and Mars from across the harbour.  For dinner we all went to the Saint John Marina enjoying some shared plates of seafood.    

On Sunday we had lunch in St. Andrews together with Steve, Kelly and her mom, Sue. We ate at Char and Chowder which is like a giant covered patio restaurant.  The food was excellent.  St. Andrews is always beautiful and we could have spent all afternoon there, but we were off on our American Adventure.

seafood chowder in a jar

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